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Q: How to fix spyware and Malware?
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Spyware vs malware?

Spyware refers to programs that fall under malware. On the other hand, malware describes a wide variety of malicious software.

Every time I click the mouse on my Google Chrome a new tab with an advertisement comes up How do I fix this?

Get a GOOD spyware and malware cleaner ( even worth buying one.)DO NOT "use any spyware cleaner" as some are spyware or adware themselves. Do some diligent research first, on the 'net and in computer magazines. I have Malware Bytes and Bitdefender. Both are very good.

What does an antiespias do?

Antiespias software (anti-spyware in English) detects and eliminates spyware and malware on a computer.

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How do you get viruses out of my PC?

download Malware-Bytes Anti-Malware and Avira Antivir or Super Anti Spyware

What are Adware and spyware referred to?

Adware and spyware both fall under the much broader category of malware.

What is the best spyware malware virus protection for my android?

Maleware Bytes is a great spyware maleware virus for Androids.

Is it true that Spysweeper does not remove viruses but causes them?

Spysweeper sweeps your computer for spyware and malware and therefore only removes spyware and malware. It is a perfectly legitimate programme and doesn't "cause viruses". correct

What is the best combination antiviral malware and spyware software?

Windows essentials !

What kind of virus it will give you if you download horizon?

malware spyware and Trojan

Is viooz cause virusis?

No but according to MalwareBytes (Anti Malware) it has spyware.

Can anti spyware software be installed when there is antivirus software in computer?

No. Of course it can. Spyware is different that of viruses. Everyone should have antivirus, spyware and malware detection software on their computer.