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The right click button

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Q: How the buttons on the Home Ribbon are buttons that when clicked once will format the selected text and clicked again will remove the format from the selected text.?
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Which tab on the ribbon appears only when a chart is selected?

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When a sound clip is selected for a slide which ribbon appears to allow a user to change the way the sound clip appears?

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How do you center selected text across selected cells in Excel?

The text must be in the left hand cell. Select the range then 'merge and centre'. This can be achieved using the merge and centre tool from the toolbar/ribbon or from the format cells menu. Al

Is the comma style button located on the ribbon?

Yes, the comma style button is located on the ribbon in Microsoft Excel. It can be found in the Number group under the Home tab. Clicking on this button applies a predefined comma format to selected cells.

What is located on the ribbon and is used to display the border gallery?

Two locations:Home ribbon, Cells section, Format, Format Cells, Border TabHome ribbon, Font section (expand arrow bottom right corner), Format Cells, Border Tab

Q2. Which of the following buttons on the Excel toolbar will format selected cells so that they appear as currency valuesa. b. c?

in the Number group on the Home tab. (If you want to apply the Currency format instead, select the cells, and press Ctrl+Shift+$.)

Where are the Text alignment buttons?

On the Format menu.

What is Bullets and numbers?

Bullets and Numbering are used to make lists inside a word processing document. The home ribbon located inside the top portion of a word document is where the "bullets and numbering" buttons are located. Inside "paragraph" grey box, 3rd from the left is the align buttons. Above these buttons is Bullets (on the left) and Numbering (on the right). Both are format-able to your specifics by choosing a symbol from the list or a letter.

What button does excel display after the paste button is clicked?

It displays several options about what you can paste, like everything, format only, formulas only, special format, etc.

How do you format the PC?

To format the PC, insert the windows installation CD, then follow the instructions to format the selected hard drive.

What button on the ribbon or shortcut menu removes cells including the data and format from the worksheet?

On the Home ribbon click on Clear in the Editing section.

Can JPEG format be added to the options in an Open With window?

The "Open with" window gives you the option of selecting which program to use to open the file you have selected. jpeg is not listed because jpeg is a file format, not a program. If you clicked on a jpeg file and got an "Open with" selection window, you want to select a program that handles jpeg's, such as MS Paint, Paint Shop Pro, or Photoshop.