

How reliable is Spyware Sweeper?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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Spyware Sweeper is one of the leading spyware detection programs. It is pretty reliable and has actually won several awards for their work. These include Checkmark certification from West Coast Labs, an editors choice award from PC magazine, and a Best Buy award from PC World.

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How effective is a spyware sweeper?

Spyware sweepers seem to be pretty effective in getting rid of malicious spyware programs within a computer system. Consulting a computer programmer would be wise before using any program on you computer.

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There are many quality products available for removal of spyware. Two quality products that have received high ratings from users are Spy Sweeper and STOPZilla.

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Someone can purchase a spyware checker from various online security sites. NortonLive is a popular and reliable spyware company as is the company called McAfee Security.

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Most people who purchase Spy Sweeper report that it does work to remove spyware and ad-ware from their computers. It is not, however, made to remove viruses so a secondary program may be required along with Spy Sweeper to get rid of them.

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Spy sweeper is an antivirus software that you install on your computer to make sure that the system is clean. It is installed on the computer usually from online or with a disk. When the software is run it deletes any spyware.

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