Hes was 21
Steve Jobs was 51 years old
Steve Jobs old partner: Steve Wozniak (not really part of company anymore though)
steve jobs was 35 years old
Steve Jobs was born in 1955 so he was 40 in 1995.
How old was Steve Jobs when he invented Apple? Apple was invented in 1976 by Steve Jobs the CEO of the company. He was 21 when he first invented the company Apple. He was born in 1955 and later in the year of 1976 Steve co-founded Apple. Steve is now 54 years old and his invention is one of the biggest electronic company in the United States. Apple had grown bigger over the years and will continue to. Wrong - only the people who lived with him know the correct answers to all these questions.
He worked at HP in 1970 during the summer. Steve Jobs was 15 years old in 1970
He was 56 years old.
when he was 33 years old
he was 32 at the time
a baby
steve jobs was adopted a few months after he was born