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When it is weaned (4 weeks is the weaning age). If your mouse is under 4 weeks and you still have the mother, I suggest that they stay together until your mouse is 4 weeks old. A mouse that has never had babies or has not had any recently does not produce milk - just to clarify, a female mouses milk will dry up within 48 hours if she is not suckled from.

The previous answer was partially correct, so instead of deleting I just corrected some of it. Also corrected spelling & grammar. Enjoy.

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Q: How old douse a mouse have to be for you to feed it mouse food?
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What to feed a 4 month old mouse?

Mouse food such as mouse/rat lab blocks or seed mix.

How does a mouse take care of it's young?

well first the mouse cleverly builds a nest out of anything(which the owner provides) then it goes into the nest and gives birth. usually she will come back into the nest and feed her babies until they are old enough to eat food. then when they can eat food the mother just once in a while grooms them.(this is just what i observed with my mouse) :)

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I am not certain how old is a 'baby' field mouse. They like greens and can forage. A nursling would likely not survive without its mother. You could feed a nursling with a dropper and some baby food, perhaps.

Can i use watered down milk to feed a 5 day old mouse?

yes if you want to kill it

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How can you bond with an eight week old female mouse?

Feed it! Feed her normal dietary requirements (found in a pet food store) and give her "treats" which would be what she would want to eat if she was rummaging through your cabinets. My rats like goldfish crackers and cinnamon toast crunch most but there's always bread and cheese lol. After a week or so she will come to you for food and as long as she is not a timid mouse she will eventually take it from you and come to you in general.

What diet do mice have?

mice eat alot of food as babys how old is your mouse?

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Will an adult female mouse feed milk to one week old babies that are not hers?

If she's already nursing, yes.

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It is best to feed them food that is made especially for puppies, and not any human food.

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What do you feed 3 day old kitten with?

milk and cat food.