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Rams reach puberty at 5-7 month old; hair sheep slightly sooner. Rams peak at 3 to 4 years old. They are culled at around 6 years old.

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Q: How old can a ram lamb be to mate?
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Related questions

What do you call a baby ram?

A baby ram is called a lamb.

What is the offspring of a ram called?

The offspring of a ram is a lamb. A ram is an intact male sheep, and a baby sheep is known as a lamb.

What a baby ram is called?

A baby Ram is called a Lamb.

What is the male parent of a lamb called?

A ram lamb if it hasn't been castrated - then it becomes a wether lamb.

What is the name for a young male sheep?

A ram lamb or a wether lamb if it has been castrated.

What is another name for yearling sheep?

a one to two year old lamb can be a ewe-lamb or a ram-lamb or a wether they can also so be called a hogget after the ewe lamb has her first lamb or is two years old she is called a ewe or as a group sheep as she gets older her meat will be called mutton

What is the meat of a lamb called?

Mutton refers to the flesh of the mature ram or ewe at least one year old; the meat of sheep between 12 and 20 months old may be called yearling mutton.

What is masculine lamb?


What is a ewes mate called?


What is a young ram?

A young ram is a male sheep that is typically less than one year old. Rams grow horns and become sexually mature around one year of age, at which point they are capable of mating with ewes (female sheep).

A pet lamb is a cross ram?

A pet lamb is a young sheep. A cross ram is a male sheep that has been bred from two different breeds or strains. So, a pet lamb could indeed be a cross ram, depending on its parentage.

Is a ram and a lamb the same?

No. A ram is an adult male sheep and a lamb is a young baby sheep. The meat of a ram is a lot tougher than the meat of a lamb because of the age difference. In defining young sheep the general term is lamb, but the specific terms, ram lamb and ewe lamb are used to define the gender of the young animal.