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Q: How much water pressure can one expect from a 55 gallon drum 2o feet up using a 2 vertical down pipe?
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What the basic instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure?

This would be a barometer. When the air pressure drops, you can expect rain or other bad weather like thunderstorms. On the other hand, when the air pressure rise, you can expect better weather. You can tell by using a barometer.

What is the basic instruments for measuring atmospheric pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is measured by a barometer. There are several types. The one most likely to be found in a home is an anaeroid barometer.

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A vertical roller mill is an energy efficient grinder that grinds items into incredibly fine powders used for ceramics, cements, pyrotechnics, etc. using vertical pressure from an outer vertical roller on the inner rollers and disks to cause circulation. A ball mill is a grinder that creates very fine powders for paints, pyrotechnics, ceramics, etc. using cylindrical rolls and balls made of various materials that roll on an axis.

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You need to know the density of the chlorine which is affected by the temperature and pressure at which the chlorine is. Once you know the density, you can convert it using: density = mass/volume → volume = mass/density. You'll need to know the density in pounds per gallon.

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Longitude lines are vertical.

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Lattimus Dorsi

How can you measure exactly 7 gallons using a 5 gallon jug and a 3 gallon jug?

you can measure exactly 7 gallons using a five gallon jug and a three gallong jug by using one five gallon jug and 2/3 of the three gallon jug to equal seven gallons total. That is what I think for being 11 years old. by of course JACIE <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!