In the UK, 1.20 a liter equates to about 5.45 per UK gallon.
1 Gallon (UK) = 4.54 Litres.1 Gallon (USA) = 3.78 Litres.
Average price was about £1.75 per gallon.
There are about 3.785 liters in a gallon.
Which fuel? Buddhatron: I think its weighs 8.66 gallons
It varies depending on how far the petrol station is from the refinery and from other competing petrol stations, but the cheapest is around £1.16 a litre (£5.28 per UK gallon - around $10.50).
In thr UK in the early 1960s, a gallon of petrol cost from four shillings to five shillings, 20 to 25 pence in modern currency.
One UK gallon of petrol is about 4.546 liters whereas one US gallon is about 3.785 liters.
In the UK, petrol cost about 20 pence per UK gallon in the 1950s.
£1.20 ish
The average petrol price in 1950 in UK was about $36 per gallon. However, the prices have kept fluctuating over the years but there has been a significant price of the same.