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Not enough information to answer this question - need information about the network you are on (if the same), speed of the links, type of server, and how much information you want to transfer.

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Q: How much time should it take to transfer information from one PC to another if they use the same server?
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Where can I find information about Microsoft Exchange Server?

You should be able to forward or transfer your old emails to your new outlook acount. You can find out more about Microsoft Exchange Server at Microsoft's official site:

Where can one get information about configuring a DHCP server?

One can get information about configuring a DHCP server online in the following websites: Wikipedia, Microsoft or FreeBSD. One should carefully read the information, since an incorrectly configured DHCP server can mean the loss of Internet connection.

What does claint mean?

The word claint appears to be misspelled and should be client. The word client can refer to either a person using the services of a company or another person or a computer that can retrieve information from a server.

How do you write a Letter of transfer to another department?

If you would like to transfer to another department you should write a letter to your line manager or HR department requesting the transfer. Specify your reasons for the transfer and make sure the letter is polite and professional.

You should include the DNS server address WINS server address network applications and latency-sensitive applications in an end-system configuration tableWhat other information should you include?

All but STP state

Do certificates of deposit transfer if a bank merges with another bank?

They should do, yes.

How do you write a letter of intent to transfer to another school?

To write an intent of transfer to another school, you need to write a letter to bot the principals. The letter should contain the reasons as to why you are transferring.

Where can I find complete details about cloud server online?

You can find information on the cloud server online if you do a search and follow only the direct links to the company in charge. This should be a fairly quick search.

Does upload and upgrade mean the same thing?

No. Upload means to transfer data from one device or server to another device or server. For example, to put a photo of you on a Facebook profile, you need to upload it from your computer to Facebook's servers. Upgrade means to improve the standard or quality of something. Such as software on a computer. If a newer version of a software is released, you should upgrade the older version to the newer version.

Do you think your company requires a dedicated server?

A dedicated server is a server that is soley dedicated to a company and not shared by any other outside source. I think it should be something every company considers because it will help to keep information secure and private.

How do you write a transfer letter from one department to another department?

To human resources a letter requesting a transfer from department A to department B should be written. It should be worded as a simple request and need not be long.