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It can vary widely depending on frequency and dosage. On average, someone using ecstasy regularly may spend anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars in a year.
Any person can answer a question on WikiAnswers, and the answer may be a good one or a poor one. If a question on Maplin Electronics is not being answered on this site it is because nobody using the site has an answer yet.
you get to use electronics with it
no because using a microscope if you saw the sun you will be blind
At least one statistical study suggests that teens spend more than 12 hours using social networking sites (like Facebook) per week.
An average person is considered to be bourgeois, or part of the bourgeoisie.
Electronics were made for poeple to look on internet, And if it wasnt invented everyone would of be bored,Look...Electronics were made by electricity and electronics are using alot.Like electricity.
mathlete's foot
dono????????????hairdryer?????????????i think??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!************
laptops are electronics device ,which are use of
it will save a trip to the computer lab