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Q: How much of a discount do FedEx employees get from Apple?
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Related questions

How much discount do FedEx employees get from Hyundai car dealers?

I just bought an Elantra Touring and got $700 off with my FedEx discount.

How much discount do Apple employees get on MacBook laptops?

Apple employees discounts have just changed, the new price is below... Employees get a $500 discount off of Apple Computers. Although the employee is only able to take advantage of this every 3 years and must be an employee for 3 months... They also cannot use this advantage on new Mac Computers such as the recently announced retina display MacBook Pro....

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How much do claires employees make working part time?

Minimum wage + 50% discount on certain products.

Do Subway employees get a discount on cell phone service with AT and T or Verizon If so how much?

Between 15 to 20 percent.

Where was the first apple computer created?

Mac Wrong, the Apple I. Very few of these exist now as Apple offered a discount on the much better Apple ][ if they traded in their old Apple I and the trade ins were destroyed. Both the Apple I and ][ were based on the MosTek 6502 processor chip.

How much of a store discount do king soopers employees receive?

You get 10% off all Kroger products. Everything else is regular price.

How much does a fedex franchise cost?


How much do managers at FedEx make?

Not much more than minimum.

What were sales like for new iPads in 2011?

Apple does not discount their merchandise. The prices for their products are pretty fixed. You may however, be able to save a few dollars if you purchase the iPad at a large store like Wal-Mart or Target. The discount will not be much.

How much does a fedex A320 pilot make per hour?

FedEx do not have Airbus A320 in their fleet. A320 do not have a "freighter" version either.

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