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2GB RAM should be fine. But if you mean hard drive, it depends on how much media you have, but I'd shoot for 250GB or 500GB.

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Q: How much memory should you have in a laptop for photo editing and music?
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maybe an Apple computer, because they have a movie editing thing that might be better than a PC's windows movie maker.

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You need to physically remove the memory card from the 3DS and add the music to it using a card reader on a PC or laptop.

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you should be able to use your old memory stick in order to download music

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Don't sync your iPod when you are deleting your music. Also, once you delete something from your iTunes and it's on your iPod, then when you sync it again, the songs will be lost because you deleted the original file. So if you want to have no songs, you can delete all your library, or you can shorten your music to save some of your laptop memory.

How do you save your itunes music from a back up device onto a new laptop?

You can simply go under the "My Computer" setting of your computer click on music then double click on your iTunes library. It should give you multiple options, you can either duplicate or copy the file onto a memory device.

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if youve ever run a music player on your laptop it might still be active. you should be able to check in the bottom right action menu on your toolbar

What are the cost ranges oflaptops?

It depends, work based laptop varie from 200 to 500, gaming laptop varie from 500 to 3000, and music,photo, and video editing laptops varie from 400 to 1500. Just look at your local bestbuy or walmart and ask them what type of laptop youre looking for. Or just go to there sites.

If you get music off a friend from laptop to laptop is that illegal?


What are some tips I should know when buying a laptop?

My only tip would be make a list of capabilities you'd like your laptop to have. Such as do you need a lot of memory space for programs such as software, games, hardware & music. Gigabytes is something you should consider, the high the better. Also if the laptops have certain features you like, such as touchscreen or built in webcam/mic and a DVD/cd burner.

How did technology influence the music?

it helps with the editing

Who won the Oscar for Film Editing in 1965?

The Sound of Music won the Oscar for Film Editing in 1965.