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No. Much, much more than that.

On average one movie is 2GB. That's two gigabytes.

A high definition (HD) movie would be around 3 or 4.5GB

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10y ago
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15y ago

4 gigabytes

4000 megabytes

4,000,000 kilobytes.

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11y ago

No. A typical film(movie) is about 1.5hr to 3hr+ duration and depending upon quality of the video it would be anything between 800MB to 4.7Gb (which is the max. capacity of single layer DVD)

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Q: How much kilobytes would a film on DVD be?
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How many kilobytes are in a DVD?

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Can anyone give you a DVD copy of the 1944 film the Mask of Demetrios?

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How much would a DVD weigh?

A standard DVD typically weighs around 16 grams.

How can one transfer photos from 8mm film to DVD?

Yes it is. Check the phone book for your area under 'video productions' or 'video editing.' That should lead you to someone to help. Also check out online 8mm film transfer services. StashSpace.Com is a good one and has a calculator you can use to see how much the film transfer would cost.

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