KB - Kilo Byte
MB - Mega Byte
GB - Giga Byte
TB - Tera Byte
while you may think kilo is 1000 and mega is 1 million... giga is 1 billion... and so on; it actually is not. a Kilo byte is actually 2^10 Byte which is 1024 Bytes.
Kilo Byte = 2^10 Bytes = 1024 Bytes
Mega Byte = 2^20 Bytes = 1048576 Bytes
Giga Bytes = 2^ 30 Bytes = 1073741824 Bytes
and so on... close enough right?
Nominally, 1 MB = 1,000 KB, and 1 KB = 0.001 MB.
1 MB= 1024 KB 20 MB = 20480 Kb
One MB (megabyte) is equal to 1,024 kB (kilobytes).
40960 KB in 40 MB
20,662 Kb is 20.18 Mb
523 kB = 0.532 MB (Megabytes)
2,003 MB is 2,051,072 KB
2060 MB is 2,109,440 KB
320 KB is 0.3125 MB
There are 1024 kb in a Mb so that would be 918.45 kb
1 mb=1024 kb
125 MB equals 128,000 KB