16 fl oz is 473.176mL
710mL is 24 oz
One fluid ounce = about 29.6 mL
To convert milliliters (ml) to ounces (oz), you can use the conversion factor of 1 ml = 0.033814 oz. Therefore, to find out how much 800 ml is in ounces, you would multiply 800 by 0.033814, which equals approximately 27.05 oz. So, 800 ml is equivalent to 27.05 ounces.
20 fl oz (UK) = 568 ml (approx) 20 fl oz (US) = 591 ml (approx)
That is 3,739 oz.
5.41 fl oz (UK) = 153.71 ml
14 fl. oz. = 414.0294 ml. 1 fl. oz. = 29.57353 ml.
1 mL = 0.03381 fl oz So, an ounce is MUCH MORE.