29.58 shots
1.75 liters is equal to approximately 39.5 1.5-oz shots.
Their are 39.22 shots in 1.75 liters of liquor .
114 US fl oz = 3371.4mL
You will get about 39.5 (39.46666) 1.5-oz shots from 1.75 liters.
3 liters or 101oz. 101 1oz shots for $100.
if you multiply 114x114x114 you find the volume in cm^3 or ml. This is 1481554. divide by 1000 to get in litres as there are 1000ml in a litre. 1481.554 litres
39 shots (1.5oz) and a little change on 1.75l
Using some simple dimentional analysis: x shots/ 1 liter * 44.3 millitters/1 shot = x*.0443 liters /1liters ~ 22.5 shots assuming shot =1.5 ounces
2 wheel drive with standard suspension ( 26 U.S. gallons / 98 liters ) 2 wheel drive with air suspension ( 30 U.S. gallons / 114 liters ) 4x4 ( 30 U.S. gallons / 114 liters )
There are 33.8 ounces in a liter, so 2.6 liters is equal to 88.28 ounces. Therefore, you could get around 88 one ounce shots out of a 2.6 liter bottle of vodka.
2 wheel drive , standard suspension , 26 U.S. gallons / 98 liters 2 wheel drive , air suspension , 30 U.S. gallons / 114 liters 4x4 , 30 U.S. gallons /114 liters