The number of photos that can fit on a 4.7 GB DVD depends on the size of each photo. If we assume an average photo size of 4 MB, then you could fit approximately 1175 photos on a 4.7 GB DVD. This calculation is based on the fact that 1 GB is equal to 1024 MB, so 4.7 GB is equal to 4812.8 MB. Dividing 4812.8 MB by 4 MB per photo gives us around 1175 photos.
Ah, what a lovely question! It really depends on the size of each photo, but on average, you can fit around 2000 high-quality photos on a 4.7 GB DVD. Just imagine all those beautiful memories stored in one cozy place, ready to bring joy and warmth whenever you revisit them. Happy painting, my friend!
That depends on the resolution of the photos. A camera can be set to different resolutions. It also depends on the megapixels of the camera.
You can have pictures well over 1 mb, or around 150kb.
Also, you can have single layer DVDs which are 4.7gb or Double Layer, which are 9.4gb.
You could get several hundred 1 mb photos on a 4.7 DVD.
47 is average
Buses would not fit into a C-47, and the only C-47's that are left are very valuable anyway.
yes if yore col
similiar to a chevy 4.3 but smaller
Any group 47 will fit
Modern Firearms had a very detailed article, including photos. See related link at the bottom.
To determine how many times 11 can go into 47, we need to perform long division. When we divide 47 by 11, we get a quotient of 4 with a remainder of 3. This means that 11 can go into 47 four times, with a remainder of 3.
Of water? 47.
47*4 = 188
47 cm = 18.50394 inches.