To make Apple Green paint Judith combines five parts yellow with two parts blue. How many gallons of blue does Judith need to use to make 17 gallons of Apple Green paint?
Quarts and pints are parts of a gallon
there are approximately 4 quarts in one gallon and 8 pints in one gallon.
1 gallon = 16 cups 1 cup =0.23 gallon
exactly 12.8 oz. A gallon has 128 ounces.
Pounds per gallon do not convert into parts per million since different types of substances would have a different weight per gallon for the same amount of parts per million. For example, 1000 parts per million of mercury weighs more than 1000 parts per million of oxygen.
Parts of a gallon.
Automotive parts washers are pretty specialist machinery not commonly found in local stores. Amazon sells a compact 3.5 Gallon parts washer for $34 and a large 40 Gallon parts washer for $160.
Most auto parts stores can get that for you in 1 gallon cans or 5 gallon containers.
1 gallon = 1 gallon
A gallon
Gallon of what?
A gallon is 2000.