1 oz. = 29.6 cc
70cc = 2.37 fl oz
35 cc is about 1.2 oz. 1.18 is a closer approximation.
It is equal to 300cc.
22 oz is equal to approximately 624 grams.
0.136 fluid ounces is equal to approximately 4.021 cc.
One cc is equal to approximately 0.0338 fluid ounces.
39.0 cc = 1.32 US fluid ounces.
1500cc is 50.7 fl oz
1 oz is roughly 30 cc for kitchen purposes. It is exactly 28.34 cc to be precise.
There are 240 cc in 8 oz. Each oz. is 30 cc.
3.2 fluid ounces is equal to approximately 94.64 cubic centimeters (cc).