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Q: How many operating systems can a system run at a time?
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What does the VXWorks operating system do?

The VxWorks is a real time operating system that was developed by Wind River Systems. The operating system was first released in 1987. The operating system is designed for use in embedded systems.

Are types of operating systems the same as categories of operating systems?

Types of operating systems and categories of operating systems are not the same. Operating systems can be categorized in many different ways, such as by system architecture, distribution, stability, support, and so on. A type of operating system, on the other hand, is a single system within one of these categories, such as Windows Vista, OS X, or Linux. If you are looking for an affordable operating system**, check out Father's Flash Sale at Affordablekey**. For a limited time, you can get up to 80% off the cost of the best seller operating systems when you use coupon code SAVE30. Spend less and still get the best website and operating system for you!

What is the example of time sharing system?

One example of a time-sharing system is the bank's bankcard system, which allows hundreds of people to access the same program on the mainframe at the same time. The Multics & Unix operating systems are time sharing Operating Systems

QNX operating systems is used for what purpose?

The QNX operating system is mostly used for industrial purpose. It is a real time Operating system as opposed to Linux that is considered a basic operating system.

What is the purpose of RMX operating systems?

A RMX operating system is a real time operating system that is specifically for two families of processors. This real time system can be used on applications that need real time reliability, determinism and more.

Types of computer operating systems?

Real time operating system controls machinery and industrial equipment. Another is a mult-user system that allows many users to perform various duties.

What is bare machine in operating systems?

it creats a backup point in the computer when the operating system is currepted or at time of destroy your computer.

Real time examples for batch operating system?

Explain the key characteristics of the following forms of operating systems i) Batch

Characteristics of single user operating systems?

A single user operating system is usually restricted to only allowing one user at a time log in and use the system. These types of systems are optimized for a personal desktop experience, not for multiple users of the system at the same time.

Is UNIX time shearing operating system?

We are not sure what you mean by "shearing", it is men that "shear" sheep in timed competitions, not operating systems.

What is one type of operating system?

The different types of operating system are as follows:-Real-time Operating System: It is a multitasking operating system that aims at executing real-time applications. Real-time operating systems often use specialized scheduling algorithms so that they can achieve a deterministic nature of behavior. The main object of real-time operating systems is their quick and predictable response to events. They either have an event-driven or a time-sharing design. An event-driven system switches between tasks based of their priorities while time-sharing operating systems switch tasks based on clock interrupts.Multi-user and Single-user Operating Systems: The operating systems of this type allow a multiple users to access a computer system concurrently. Time-sharing system can be classified as multi-user systems as they enable a multiple user access to a computer through the sharing of time. Single-user operating systems, as opposed to a multi-user operating system, are usable by a single user at a time. Being able to have multiple accounts on a Windows operating system does not make it a multi-user system. Rather, only the network administrator is the real user. But for a Unix-like operating system, it is possible for two users to login at a time and this capability of the OS makes it a multi-user operating system.Multi-tasking and Single-tasking Operating Systems: When a single program is allowed to run at a time, the system is grouped under a single-tasking system, while in case the operating system allows the execution of multiple tasks at one time, it is classified as a multi-tasking operating system. Multi-tasking can be of two types namely, pre-emptive or co-operative. In pre-emptive multitasking, the operating system slices the CPU time and dedicates one slot to each of the programs. Unix-like operating systems such as Solaris and Linux support pre-emptive multitasking. Cooperative multitasking is achieved by relying on each process to give time to the other processes in a defined manner. MS Windows prior to Windows 95 used to support cooperative multitasking.Distributed Operating System: An operating system that manages a group of independent computers and makes them appear to be a single computer is known as a distributed operating system. The development of networked computers that could be linked and communicate with each other, gave rise to distributed computing. Distributed computations are carried out on more than one machine. When computers in a group work in cooperation, they make a distributed system.Embedded System: The operating systems designed for being used in embedded computer systems are known as embedded operating systems. They are designed to operate on small machines like PDAs with less autonomy. They are able to operate with a limited number of resources. They are very compact and extremely efficient by design. Windows CE, FreeBSD and Minix 3 are some examples of embedded operating systems.