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Q: How many milliliters to give a cat of benedryl?
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Javier gives his cat 3 milliliters of medicine each morning How many liters of medicine does he give his cat in 365 days?

3x5=15 3x60=180 3x300=900 900+180+15=1095ml or 1.095L

What if a gave your cat too much Benedryl?

If you have accidentally given your cat too much Benadryl, it can result in symptoms such as drowsiness, dry mouth, vomiting, and in severe cases, difficulty breathing or seizures. It is important to contact your veterinarian immediately for guidance and treatment.

How many kittens can a cat give birth to?

It depends on what type of cat it is

Can you give your cat childrens benedryl?

erm.. i would say no. cats will probably metabolise drugs differently to humans and even if the benadryl had the same effects in cats as it does humans - you would have no way of telling what dose would be fine and what dose would be lethal, as cats are a completely different size to us, so the amount you give them would be different anyway. why on earth you would want to give your cat benadryl is beyond me - but i would definitely suggest staying away from giving your cat ANYTHING BUT what your vet tells you is ok to give. You may kill your cat. Lots. i wish people would not speak when they have no idea what they are talking about. ask your veterinarian. yes, you can give your cat or dog benedryl. a compounding pharmacy will even flavor it like fish, chicken, etc. to make administering it easier.

Can you give your cat Ambien?

Never, ever give a cat a human's medicine. Giving your cat a human's ambien pill could kill the cat. Cats are much smaller than humans and would need a much smaller dose of any medication, and you can't just guess the amount because that can still kill your cat. Ask a veterinarian.

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Can you give cats Benadryl to sedate for grooming?

no, human medicines are not okay for animals. horsefreak, you are completely ignorant. yes, you can give benedryl to cats or dogs. a compounding pharmacy will even flavor it like fish, chicken, etc. pls contact your veterinarian instead of consulting these boards.

Can I give a cat child's cold medicine?

NO! I believe that aspirin, an ingredient in many cold medicines, is FATAL to cats, so DO NOT give your cat human medicine.

Can you give a cat antacids?

can you give a cat antacid pill

Can you give your cat phenergan?

It is not recommended that you give your cat Phenergan. If your cat is sick, it is better for her to get it out of her system.

How much saliva does a cat produce a day?

On average, a cat produces about 5 milliliters of saliva per day. Saliva is important for a cat's digestion, grooming, and overall health.

Can you give a cat meat?

yes u can give a cat meat.