There are about 202.884135 US teaspoons in a liter.
202.88 tsp
1 milliliter equals 0.202 US teaspoons.
1 teaspoon is 4.928 milliliters
0.00492892159 to be exact
2 liters
2 1/4,but if this is a homework question, you're cheating.
That is 761.918 teaspoons
That is 0.0005 litre
About 203 1.5-teaspoon measures per 1.5 liters.
That is 5 ml
a liter is bigger than a teaspoon, so none.
A teaspoon is approximately 5 ml.
About 1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon is 5 ml. So 3 litre is 600 teaspoons.