That is 6.1743 ounces.
That is 7.055 ounces.
1 fluid ounce is 29.5cc
62cc = 2.1 fl oz
Here is a link to a liquid conversion chart that includes conversion from cc to ounces:
4 US fluid ounces = 118.3 cc
Approximately 1.023 fl oz in 30 cc.
1000 cubic centimetres = 33.8140225589 ounces (liquid)
6 fluid ounces is 177.44cc
14cc of water is approximately 1/2 an ounce
1800 cc is equal to approximately 60.9 fluid ounces.
1 cup = 250 cc, weight depends on the liquid density, water at 1g/cc = 250g (8.82 ounces) In America, 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces.