there are 6 kilobytes in a 2 minute song
it depends on the format of the file. if it is mp3 3072kbs.
That is about a half of I gigabyte. The exact value is 0.5722GB.
0 it's not even half a gig
30 seconds in half a minute (there are 60 seconds in a minute)
128 kilobytes times 60 seconds equals: 7680kbp60s or 7680kbpm
1024 kilobytes X 3 megabytes = 3072 kilobytes
250,000 kilobytes.
250,000 kilobytes.
40 (one man can eat one pie in a minute and a half)
There are 1024 Kilobytes in 1.00 MB
512.000 Kilobytes.-