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One. A USB hub is plugged in via a USB port, that port only uses 1 IRQ. So all devices on the hub use the same IRQ. You could have a hub with 10 ports still using 1 IRQ.

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Q: How many irqs are needed for a usb hub with 3 devices?
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If 4 hosts are connected to a hub how many IP addresses are required for these 5 devices?

4 IP addresses. The hub does not require an IP address but the 4 devices connected to the hub do.

WHAT IS A popular way to connect many external peripheral devices to a system?

USB hub

What is expansion hub?

An expansion hub is a powered hub that is 2.0 and USB. It simply allows you to connect to devices that you were not able to connect to with a regular hub.

What is an expansion hub?

An expansion hub is a powered hub that is 2.0 and USB. It simply allows you to connect to devices that you were not able to connect to with a regular hub.

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True or false it is not possible to mix devices at different data rates on shared hub?

False, for the most part. The hub should be able to compensate for the higher speed devices with the lower speed devices.

You have an external 2.0 usb hub but your computer keeps tell you to install a faster one?

When the hub was inserted and devices where plugged in the USB controller on the computers motherboard may not be able to with stand the amount of power needed to power the hub or devices. So the computer will automatically scale the speed down to use less power, but during this process windows will ask you to install a faster port, just ignore. Or buy a USB hub that has external power

Can I connect a Cisco catalyst 2950 switch to a hub?

Yes. A hub will be one giant collision domain for that entire switch port. So if its an 8 port hub and you have 8 devices connected to it that collision domain will have 8 devices in it.

What is a hub refering to hardware devices?

A hub is used in network situations. It provides a central connection for multiple media segments. The hub repeats a signal received on one port and send them to ALL other ports. A hub operates in half duplex mode, meaning that devices can only send when no other devices are sending data. Use a switch when possible.

How do you connect more than one USB devices to one USB port?

You can buy what is called an external USB Hub. A USB Hub is a device that allows many USB devices to be connected to a single USB port on a host computer or another hub You can buy them just about anywhere...Best Buy, WalMart, RadioShack..etc..

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Can an Ethernet hub be used to hook up multiple Ethernet devices at one time?

An Ethernet Hub allows the user to hook up to four ports at one time. The Hub will allow you to connect multiple devices and allow them to act as one.