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a normal human should get from 6-8 hours of sleep, when excercising it is best if you get your full 8 hours, but don't sleep over 10 hours, it will cause brain sleep, which is basicly being tired, and lazy and feeling like your brain is numb.

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Q: How many hours of sleep when exercising?
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Is exercising at night effective?

It depends on the situation.If you have been up all day, then exercising at night will prove to be ineffective.If you have been sleeping all day, and you woke up at night, then exercising at night is just as effective as exercising in the daytime.The reason being is because you need to get sleep, and without sleep, your body can't rest, and exercising won't prove to be effective without at least 8-12 hours of sleep.However, exercising at night is no different than exercising in the daytime if you have the right conditions.

How many hours of sleep in a year?

if you mean how many hours you should sleep in a year it would be 3,650 hours of sleep for a regular year not a leap year

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How many hours you must sleep?

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How many hours a day do you sleep?

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How many hours of sleep do teenages need?

Its compulsary for a teen ager to sleep 8 hours..

How many hours should you sleep in the morning?

You should sleep six hours in the morning.

How many hours of sleep per day on average does an armadillo get?

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