

How many emoticons are there?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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13y ago

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That I know of, about 40-50. But there are probably hundred's out there :P

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Are there baseball team emoticons?

There are probably emoticons out there for baseball. Many websites provide different emoticons, I would suggest Googling emoticons.

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Where can one find more information on hidden emoticons?

There are many websites where one could find information regarding hidden emoticons. One could check online sites such as Handy Tech tips for information on hidden emoticons.

Are there any hidden Skype emoticons?

you can make your own emoticons

How would someone download free emoticons?

There are many websites that allow the download of free emoticons, as well as several apps listed on both iTunes and Google Play. My Emoticons, Find Icons and Iminent are all websites that have emoticon icons for free.

Why do girls use emoticons all the time in their messages with people?

They think it makes the conversations more interesting to look at. Not all girls do use that many emoticons though.

How do you do all the faces on Gmail?

All the faces on Gmail are called as Emoticons. These emoticons contains many emotions. These might include happy, sad , crying, angry etc.

How can you see emoticons on your LG Optimus?

emoticons of the mobile himselve, and they are really ugly :(

How do you do all the Emoticons on Gmail?

Gmail contains a lot of emoticons too. You can use them while writing mails to someone. The emoticons can be obtained by clicking on the smiley,

How do you use emoticons on gmail for Kindle Fire?

Emoticons can be used the same way in Kindle. They are graphical images which can be used. These emoticons contain plenty of images of faces.

Why wont your Gmail activate your penguin?

Gmail has various emoticons on it easily. You can add these emoticons while creating a mail. The smiley icon is the one that leads to these emoticons.

How do you do a monkey emoticon on Gmail?

The monkey emoticon on Gmail chat is :(|). There are other emoticons, like B-) for a guy wearing shades, and :P for a person teasing someone else.