There are about 0.004951 cubic yards in one gallon.
One cubic kilometer equates to 1.30795062 × 109 cubic yards.
7.5 cubic feet = 0.27 cubic yards.
A: One cubic foot. That would be 0.037 cubic yard (rounded)
A "yard of gravel" is a measure of volume, not a measure of area. There are 27 cubic feet (3x3x3 feet) in a yard of gravel, or one cubic yard.
1.295cu.yd 1.295cu.yd
OVER 9000
About one half
One cubic yard = 27 cubic feet 147.88 cubic yards = 147.88 x 27 cubic feet = 3992.76 cubic feet
There are 644.44 cubic yards in 17,400 cubic feet.
2.1605 There are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard.
1000000 cubic yards