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You will need a minimum of 0.665 cubic meters of cement for this walkway. (if 60 lbs per bag, it is 52.1 bags. If 80 lbs per bag, it is 39 bags).

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Q: How many cubic meters of cement are required to cover a walk way 7 m long and 0.95 m wide and 10 cm deep?
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How many square meters will a cubic meter of cement cover?

the size of you!>!CK

How many cubic meters in a 50kg bag of cement?

How many cubic meters in 1 cement bag of 50kgs

How many cubic meters of cement are needed to cover a walkway 7 m long o95 m wide 10 centimeters deep?

To find the volume of cement needed, first convert the depth to meters (10 cm = 0.1 m). Then, calculate the volume by multiplying the length, width, and depth: 7m x 0.95m x 0.1m = 0.665 cubic meters of cement are needed to cover the walkway.

What is the volume of cement bag in cubic meters?

volume of 1 cement bag is 0.035cu.m.

Cement quantity in m10 per cubic meter?

4.50/bag cement, required for 1 cubic metre of concrete ( M10).

What is the volume of 1000 kilogram of cement?

The volume is(1000)/(density of cement in kg/m3) cubic meters.

What is the number of bags of cement required for 1 cubic meter of M25 grade cement?

For M25 grade concrete, the mix proportion is typically 1:1:2 (cement:sand:aggregate). This means for 1 cubic meter of concrete, you would need 1/4 cubic meter of cement. As 1 cubic meter is equivalent to 35.32 cubic feet, and one bag of cement usually covers around 0.035 cubic meters, you would need approximately 7-8 bags of cement for 1 cubic meter of M25 grade concrete.

Can you convert cubic meters of concrete into tons of ballast and cement?

2.7 t

How many square meters required to store 5000 cubic meters?

To store 5000 cubic meters, you need a storage area that is also 5000 square meters if the height of the storage space is 1 meter. This assumes a cubic storage space with equal dimensions in length, width, and height.

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What is the kilogram weight of cement required for 1 cubic meter of M20 grade cement?

315 Kg/M3 approx.

What is number of bags of cement required foe 1 cubic meter of M20 grade cement concrete?

M20 - 6.20bags