About 1.244 cubic feet in one bushel.
1.2445 cubic feetCubic feet divided by 1.244 = bushels
1 bushel = 1.2844 cubic feet 1944 cu.ft. divided by 1.2844 = 1513.547 bushels
At approximately 3,000 per pound, 1 bushel (60 lb) would be 180,000 soybeans. At approximately 2,500 per pound (a planting size), there would be 150,000 soybeans per bushel. Soybeans can range in weight from about 2,500/lb to about 3,500/lb.
One cubic yard = 21.7 bushels.
A US ton is a unit of weight, and is much heavier than a bushel of anything.A bushel is a volume measurement approximately equal to 1.2445 cubic feet or 0.035 m3.However, given a standard moisture content, a US bushel of soybeans is assigned a weight of 60 pounds(27.2 kg).That would make 33 1/3 bushels of soybeans in a US ton. (2000 lb.)
The number of bushels of wheat in a 60 cubic feet area would depend on the density of the wheat. Bushels measure volume, so you would need to know the weight of a bushel of wheat to accurately determine how many bushels would fit in a 60 cubic feet area.
There are 0.8036 bushels in one cubic foot.
One bushel (US, dry) is always equal to 1.24 (approx) cubic feet regardless of what commodity is used. The only exception is when the word "bushel" is used in commercial grain marketing.
Same amount as there are in a pound of 10 penny nails, a pound of chocolate sauce, or a pound of wine corks: 1 pound/~2.2 pounds per kilogram ~ 0.454 kilograms. Actual, more precise number = 0.45359.........
2727 cubic feet