61440 Mega Bytes(MB) that is 62914560 Kilo bytes(KB) that is 64424509440 BYTES....- Mayank
There are 1024 Megabytes (MB) in a GigaByte (GB), and then 1024 Kilobytes(KB) in a Megabyte, and then 1024 Bytes in a Kilobyte. So in a 300GB Hard Drive, there are 300 times 1024 times 1024 times 1024 Bytes, which equals 322122547200 Bytes.
If you are using Windows, go to 'My Computer', right click your hard drive, click Properties and you will be shown the information for your hard drive (Note that this will tell you how much in gigabytes (gb). 1024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte).
1.512146 × 10-5 gigabytes
610.868 MB = .610868 GB, where 1 GB = 1000 MB, according to hard drive manufacturers. However, the multiplier is technically 1024, which would make 610.868 MB = .596551 GB.
That depends. Given that the average hard drive is 500 GB, you have approximately 536,870,912,000 bytes of storage on your computer. This diesn't include the amount of space taken by your OS or other necessary program files. 1024 bytes equals 1 KB 1024 KB equals 1 MB 1024 MB equals 1 GB 1024 GB equals 1 TB
1 Gigabyte = 1,073,741,824 bytes. Therefore... 20 Gigabytes = 21,474,836,480 bytes.
3124588707.84 Bytes equals 2.91 gigabytes
1 GB is precisely 1,073,741,824 bytes.
Hard disk manufacturers all use the definition of gigabyte to mean 1,000,000,000 bytes, as opposed to the more precise definition of gigabyte as 1,073,741,824 bytes, or 10243 For more details about this discrepancy, see the wikipedia article linked below. Suffice it to say that 1 billion times 435 is 435 billion. So a 435 GB hard disk would have 435,000,000,000 bytes.
Every hard disk has a different amount of GB for storage space. It depends on how many you want. They range from 4G (very old drive) to 4TB (4000G) but you have a picture of a SSD here and they are not that big yet.
1,000,000,000 bytes in a gegabyte and 1,000,000 bytes in a mega byte