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32 bits or 4 bytes and an int is not an address, it is a primitive so it directly access the data without a reference.

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Q: How many bytes in an address of an int variable?
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// Use the & operator (Sometimes called the "address of" operator int variable = 7; printf("Address of variable = %d\n", &variable); printf("Value of variable = %d\n", variable);

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The sizeof long int is platform-dependent, often 4 bytes or 8 bytes.

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normal variable stores a value of the given datatype where as the pointer variable stores the address of a variable. for example int n=10; int *p; p=&n; here p is a pointer variable and n is a normal variable.p stores the address of n where as n stores an integer value. *p prints the value of n,p prints the address of n.

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#include<iostream> int main() { int x=42; int* p=&x; // declare and initialise a pointer, assigning the address of x. }

Write a program in c plus plus that will convert an integer pointer into an integer and viceversa?

You cannot physically convert variables of one type to another type, you can only cast them to create a new type (a new variable), providing the new type is covariant with the existing type. int i = 100; // int variable int* p = &i; // pointer to int The indirect value of p is i (100) while the direct value of p is the address of i. And because p is a variable, it has an address of its own. Thus converting the pointer p to an int can be done in one of three ways: int j = *p; // assign indirect value of p to j (thus j==100). int k = (int) p; // cast the address stored in p and assign to k (k==address of i) int l = (int) &p; // cast the address of p and assign to l (l==address of p)

What is size of int value in c plus plus?

sizeof (int) will tell you (in bytes). It's often 2, 4 or 8 bytes.

How many bytes are read in pointers by pointers dereferencing?

When you dereference a pointer you "read" the number of bytes determined by the pointer's type. That is, a char pointer dereferences a single byte while an int pointer dereferences 4 bytes (assuming a 32-bit int) -- regardless of the type actually stored at that address. However, note that a pointer can only actually point at a single byte since it only has storage for a single memory address. How many additional bytes are dereferenced is entirely dependant on the type of the pointer. To determine how many bytes are actually allocated to an address, use the sizeof operator, passing a dereferenced pointer (the pointer must point at the start of the allocation). If the pointer points at several elements of the same type (an array), then divide the total bytes by the size of the pointer's type to determine the number of elements in the array.

Pointer is a variable holding a memory address?

pointer is a derived datatype which contains memory addresses as their values. program:- #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int m=5,*p; clrscr(); p=&m; printf("address of variable m is %p",(void *)p); }