

Best Answer

Without a router: 1

With a router: 253+....

With the exception that your router(Or network switch) doesn't run out of ports; In which case you just add in another network switch & daisy chain it either via uplink port or any free ethernet port. Make sure that you obtain a network SWITCH & not a network HUB as hubs devide bandwidth for every item you plug into the hub(Affects LAN speed & network latency) & switches always run at the full line speed.

Some routers have multiple LAN ports & some take it even further so that it lets you assign what ports will do what(e.g. WAN, LAN, LAN2, LAN3...) This allows for multiple sub-nets.

So lets say that your external ip is: for visualization purposes....

Your routers main LAN or internal IP is:

You can have 253 clients or PC's on the address range.

Your routers secondary LAN IP is:

You can have 253 clients or PC's on the address range.

Your routers tertiary LAN IP is:

You can have 253 clients or PC's on the address range.

You can theoretically keep going in this fashion to build your own local Intranet(Local version of internet) But does not require registering with RIPE or any other Regional Internet Registries.

The reason you can't have 192.168.x.1 or 192.168.x.255 is because they are already assigned. 192.168.x.1 is the routers internal IP & it is also used by DHCP & other services within the router. 192.168.x.255 is the rebroadcast IP address per subnet.

In fact I believe this also applies to Internet IP address; You won't ever see 255 or 1 at the end of your external IP.

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You can get broadband internet connections from Internet Service Providers such as Virgin, BT, Sky, Talk Talk, and Tiscali. These ISPs provide you with a router and a modem. The modem is connected to the phone line, then the router connects to the modem.

What is a router needed for?

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What is a netgear router used for in the computer world?

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first, you need to pay company such as att, Verizon, comcast to let you have internet, second, they will give a modem that has a router built in already, if not you need to get one yourself. remember there are two types of modems, first one is modem with built in router and one without router.Yesh

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Can you use any DSL modem with any broadband service?

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