40000MB is 0.03814697265624TB
5 terabytes equals 5,242,880 MB
7 340 032
1024 mb make one giga byte(GB) and 1024 makes 1 terabyte(TB) hence ur tb would be 2055/1024*1024 = .002 tb approx http://www.heightz.blogspot.com
378652444 and 4/9
123,689,482 MB equates to approximately 117.96 TB
1,073,741,824. Each tier is 1024x the previous, so a TB is 1024 GB, which have 1024 MB and so forth.
If you're referring to computer memory - no. a Megabyte (mb) is smaller than a Terabyte (tb)
GB=1,000 MB and TB=1,000 GB
The breakdown of TB to MB and everything in between is the power of 1,000.