0.00244140625 gigabytes == Bytes are storage units defined for data to be kept(/transfered) in(/to-from) computer. 1 Byte consists of 8 bits (bit is the smallest unit of data storage/transfer). Now, in science, mega, giga, tera, peta etc are used if a munber is multiplied with 1000 (subsequently). This means, (for say, voltage) 1 volt x 1000= 1 megavolt. 1 megavolt x 1000= 1 gigavolt 1 gigavolt x 1000=1 teravolt . . . . Now, in storage for computers, we use 1024 as the multiplier instead of 1000. It is because memory is calculated based on 2 (raised to power) n, and for n=10 (=1024) is comes out to be almost equal to the decimal system format. Now, the answer to the question, 2.5 megabytes = (say) m gigabytes. 1 gigabytes=1megabytes x 1024. so, 1 megabyte=1 gigabyte/1024. 2.5 megabyte=2.5gigabyte/1024. hence, 2.5megabytes=0.00244140625 gigabytes ~= 0.00244 gigabytes
About 5 and 1/2 gigs. each gig is 1024 mb so... 1 gig = 1024mb 2gig = 2048mb and so on ....:)
1024 MB makes 1 GB, so 512 mb is equal to 1/2=0.5 gb.
2 gigs is 200,000 megs 100,000 megs are in a gig
1024 kb is equal to 1 mb... 1024 mb is equal to 1 gb, and so on
if by GIBs you mean GIGs 1 GIG = 1024 MegaBytes im Assuming 2048 is in Megabytes so 2048/1024 = 2 2 GIGS = 2048 Megs
About 5 and 1/2 gigs. each gig is 1024 mb so... 1 gig = 1024mb 2gig = 2048mb and so on ....:)
Almost 1/2 a gig. 0.448 gigs. 1,000 mb = 1 gb
Did you mean: 'How can bytes are in 2 GB?' If you did, the answer is: 2 Billion Bytes, which transforms into 2 Million Kilobytes, then 2000 MB, eventually reaching 2 GB. 1,000,000,000 B = 1,000,000 KB = 1000 MB = 1 GB 2,000,000,000 B = 2,000,000 KB, = 2000 MB = 2 GB
1 Gigabyte( GB ) is equal to 1024 Megabytes( MB ) 2 GB = 2048 MB to get bits, just multiply bytes by 8.
1 GB is equal to 1024 (or 2^10) MB, so it is about 31 GB.
1 byte = 8 bits 1 megabyte = 1024 bytes 1 gigabyte = 1024 megabytes hence 2 gigabytes = 2048 megabytes
2048MB, mathematically. But if you're buying a disk that is labeled 2GB, it will be fewer than 2000MB.