A character in ASCII format requires only one byte and a character in UNICODE requires 2 bytes.
One Thousand KB equals one Megabyte
In one gigabyte is 1048576 kb. ---- Answer by http://malware.lv/
Since there are 1000 bytes in KB, 1000 KB in a MB, and 1000 MB in a GB, there are 1000000 KB in a MB.
1 KB = 1 K = 1000 bytes
if you mean how many their are 1024 kb in one mb their are 1024 mb in one gb their are 1024 gb in one tb
One thousand KB's = 1MB. So it'd be 14000 KB's.
1,024 kilobytes (KB)
1,048,576 KB
2048 KB
173,598.879 KB
4194304 KB
35,635.2 KB