California inmate ID numbers contain six digits.
The Pokedex ID numbers range from 1 up to 493
ID numbers just represent who owned them last.
The ID numbers in Pokemon are chosen completely at random and there is no pre-determined set for a specific Pokemon Hope that helps.
Only people, corporations, trusts, and estates have Tax ID numbers. Common inanimate household objects like phones do not have tax ID numbers.
Some stones receive an ID by having numbers lasered on the girdle. Then the stone is registered and can be identified by its ID.
Through a computer program that randomizes numbers.
ID.......... (replace dots with numbers) means that you are answering a question even if you are not logged in.... for example... im doing it
The numbers on any military aircraft are it's ID code and sometimes Unit ID letters. In the case of an aircraft as widely used as the F-86 was at it's peak those letters could mean many Units.
on the back of the ds game there will be a few letters or numbers that is the game id
trade more ull get different id #s the chances are still... however many different id numbers u have out of 99999