700MB is the size of a CD. A DVD will hold 4.7GB. A full length movie will usually be between 3 and 4GB. Movies can be compressed to a smaller size but at the cost of viewing quality.
It depends on the size of the video. Most videos range from 400MB-700MB.
How many movies a 64 gb flash drive can store depends on the length of the movies. If eacah movie is about 2 hours, then the flash drive can hold up to 21 movies.
A two gb flash drive is a device that you can use to store movies, work, pictures etc.
Yes, and more. 700mb is approx 700,000kb
The amount of data/information the flash drive can store at one time.
Store information
A flash drive is solid state drive that is intended to store data. A flash player is a software program that plays videos in a flash video format.
how do i unlock a store and go usb drive
Flash drive can store any kind of information. If information is in electronic format it can be transferred to a flash drive. Just make sure that you have enough empty space available on you flash drive before transferring information. Otherwise it might not fit.
A mp3 player flash drive is used to store the data for an mp3. The bigger the flash drive, the more songs one is able to hold (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/flash+drive).
To store data on a removable device drive, allowing you to transport and carry it to and from locations.