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Since 1802.

After the capture and surrender of the French troops and scholars in Cario in 1801. How the Stone came to British hands is disputed. Colonel Tomkyns Hilgrove Turner, who escorted the stone to Britain, claimed later that he had personally seized it from de Menou and carried it away on a gun carriage. Clarke stated in his memoirs that a French scholar and an officer had quietly given up the stone to him and his companions in a Cairo back street. French scholars departed later with only imprints and plaster casts of the stone.

Turner brought the stone to Britain aboard the captured French frigate L'Egyptienne in February 1802. On March 11, it was presented to the Society of Antiquaries of London. Later it was taken to the British Museum, where it remains to this day. Inscriptions painted in white on the artifact state "Captured in Egypt by the British Army in 1801" on the left side and "Presented by King George III" on the right.

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Q: How long has the Rosetta Stone been in the British Museum?
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What museum is the Rosetta stone in?

The Rosetta Stone has been in the British Museum since 1802.

Location of the Rosetta Stone?

The real Rosetta Stone can be found in The Britsh Museum. It has been on display there since 1802. If there are any more questions on the Rosetta Stone you can facebook me. Note that I might not beable to answer your question.

Where is the Rosetta Stone stored today?

It has been on display in the British Museum since 1802 I think

How was Rosetta stone stone?

The Rosetta stone was very imprortant because it translated the ancient hyroglyphics so we can learn more about the ancient egyptians

How did the british museum get the Rosetta stone?

The Rosetta Stone was discovered by the armies of Napoleon in the town of el-Rashid(Rosetta) in 1799. The stone was made part of the Treaty of Alexandria in 1801, and so came into the possession of the English. While the exact manner of this transfer is the subject of some debate, it is known that Colonel Tomkyns Hilgrove Turner brought the stone to England aboard a captured French frigate. The frigate, and the stone, arrived in Portsmouth in February 1802. Turners orders were to present the stone, and other antiquities, to King George III, who, represented by War Secretary Lord Hobard, ordered that the stone should be placed in the British Museum. Turner argued that the stone should first be presented to the Society of Antiquaries of London. Before the end of 1802, it had, however, been moved to the BM, where it remains to this day.

What have people used Rosetta stone for?

The Rosetta Stone has been used primarily for its significant role in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs. Discovered in 1799 by French soldiers in Egypt, the Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC. The text is written in three scripts: Greek, Demotic, and hieroglyphic. This trilingual inscription was crucial because it allowed scholars to compare the scripts and ultimately decode the hieroglyphic writing system. Key uses and historical significance of the Rosetta Stone include: **Deciphering Egyptian Hieroglyphs**: The Rosetta Stone provided the key to understanding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, which had been a mystery for centuries. Jean-François Champollion is credited with its decipherment in the 1820s. **Advancing Egyptology**: The translation of the Rosetta Stone's text opened the door to studying ancient Egyptian culture, history, and literature more deeply, leading to significant advancements in the field of Egyptology. **Linguistic Studies**: The Rosetta Stone has been an important artifact in the study of linguistics, providing insights into the relationships between different writing systems and languages. **Cultural Heritage and Museum Exhibition**: Today, the Rosetta Stone is housed in the British Museum, where it is one of the most visited and studied artifacts. It symbolizes the intersection of languages and cultures and is a crucial piece of world heritage. Overall, the Rosetta Stone is celebrated not just as an archaeological find but as a symbol of human curiosity and the quest for knowledge.

Hieroglyphics have been found on?

Hieroglypics has been found on the Rosetta Stone.

Why was the Rosetta stone so important and what was it?

The Rosetta Stone is an inscribed slab held at the British Museum in London. The stone is important because it provided the key for translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone contains the same message written in multiple ancient languages, some of which were known at the time of the stone's discovery. Knowing some of the languages helped to figure out those that were unknown.The Rosetta stone is a stone that was found near the city Rosetta. So that is why it is named the Rosetta Stone the reason why it is important is because it had three different languages on the stone which are Greek, Hieratic, Ancient Greece. The famous person who deciphered the languages and what they meant is some one who goes by the name os Jean-Francois Champollion.This tablet contained the translations of 3 different languages all on the same stone. # Greek # Egyptian Hieroglyphics # Demotic Scripts In addition, if we never found the Rosetta stone we wouldn't know much about Egyptian writing, ancient Egypt, or ruler Ptolemy v..It is because the Rosetta Stone had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. For a long time the historians did not know how to read them, but then a French soldier gave historians the Rosetta Stone. Because the message in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek were able to figure out what the hieroglyphics said.The Rosetta Stone was important to archaeologists because it had hieroglyphics on it and it has been found after a long period of time.Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, no modern human could read Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone had the same words written in three languages; Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphs, which allowed people to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics by comparing them to the other two that scholars could know how to read hieroglyphics. the stone was in greek and two forms of hieroglyphics. people who spoke greek translated it and found out that it meant the same thing in hieroglyphics.

What is the Rosetta stone and what is its important?

The Rosetta Stone is an inscribed slab held at the British Museum in London. The stone is important because it provided the key for translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone contains the same message written in multiple ancient languages, some of which were known at the time of the stone's discovery. Knowing some of the languages helped to figure out those that were unknown.The Rosetta stone is a stone that was found near the city Rosetta. So that is why it is named the Rosetta Stone the reason why it is important is because it had three different languages on the stone which are Greek, Hieratic, Ancient Greece. The famous person who deciphered the languages and what they meant is some one who goes by the name os Jean-Francois Champollion.This tablet contained the translations of 3 different languages all on the same stone. # Greek # Egyptian Hieroglyphics # Demotic Scripts In addition, if we never found the Rosetta stone we wouldn't know much about Egyptian writing, ancient Egypt, or ruler Ptolemy v..It is because the Rosetta Stone had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. For a long time the historians did not know how to read them, but then a French soldier gave historians the Rosetta Stone. Because the message in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek were able to figure out what the hieroglyphics said.The Rosetta Stone was important to archaeologists because it had hieroglyphics on it and it has been found after a long period of time.Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, no modern human could read Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone had the same words written in three languages; Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphs, which allowed people to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics by comparing them to the other two that scholars could know how to read hieroglyphics. the stone was in greek and two forms of hieroglyphics. people who spoke greek translated it and found out that it meant the same thing in hieroglyphics.

What is the Rosetta stone and why it is important?

The Rosetta Stone is an inscribed slab held at the British Museum in London. The stone is important because it provided the key for translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone contains the same message written in multiple ancient languages, some of which were known at the time of the stone's discovery. Knowing some of the languages helped to figure out those that were unknown.The Rosetta stone is a stone that was found near the city Rosetta. So that is why it is named the Rosetta Stone the reason why it is important is because it had three different languages on the stone which are Greek, Hieratic, Ancient Greece. The famous person who deciphered the languages and what they meant is some one who goes by the name os Jean-Francois Champollion.This tablet contained the translations of 3 different languages all on the same stone. # Greek # Egyptian Hieroglyphics # Demotic Scripts In addition, if we never found the Rosetta stone we wouldn't know much about Egyptian writing, ancient Egypt, or ruler Ptolemy v..It is because the Rosetta Stone had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. For a long time the historians did not know how to read them, but then a French soldier gave historians the Rosetta Stone. Because the message in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek were able to figure out what the hieroglyphics said.The Rosetta Stone was important to archaeologists because it had hieroglyphics on it and it has been found after a long period of time.Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, no modern human could read Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone had the same words written in three languages; Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphs, which allowed people to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics by comparing them to the other two that scholars could know how to read hieroglyphics. the stone was in greek and two forms of hieroglyphics. people who spoke greek translated it and found out that it meant the same thing in hieroglyphics.

What is the Rosetta stone in Egypt?

The Rosetta stone is a stone carved in 196 B.C. with three scripts on it written to honor the Egyptian pharaoh. The scripts are Demotic, Ancient Greek, and Hieroglyphics. The Rosetta helped decipher Hieroglyphics.

If the Rosetta stone was never found how will it affect what you know about Egypt?

If the Rosetta Stone was never found, we probably could still not understand Egyptian hieroglyphs. By using the Rosetta Stone, people can compare them to the other language (Greek) because when this was figured out, Greek language still was around. If this stone would have never been found, we could not decipher the meaning of Egyptain hieroglyphs.