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Q: How long does it take for a mice to die after eating an anticoagulant?
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How long will it take mice to mate?

for baby mice it can take up to 6 days or more 15 days at the most. mice babies run about $2.50-7.50 each

How long does it take for a mice to grow hair?

around 7 days.

How long does it take for field mice to grow up?

100 weeks

How long after eating can you take levoxyl?


How long does it take for mice too be born?

Gestation 19-21 days

How long does it take to lose weight without eating?

a week

How much do feeder mice cost?

The cost of feeder mice can vary depending on where you purchase them from. On average, feeder mice can range from $1 to $5 per mouse. Bulk purchases may be available at a lower cost per mouse.

Do you have to take your mice to the vet before you breed them to feed to your pet snake and their babies?

You do not have to take them to the vet to breed them. Be sure you feed them a good quality rodent food as this is what your reptile will also be eating in the end.

How long will it take to have a sweet vagina after eating fruit?

37 months

After eating fiber how long does it take for you to poop it out?

4 to 6 hours

Will a corn snake go from eating live mice to eating frozen mice?

Yes, but it will take some persistence. Frozen mice should be warmed using a heat lamp or warm water until they are above room temperature, so that the snake can see them (they see using heat sensitive vision), and then you can use hemostats (kind of like giant tweezers) to wiggle the mouse in front of the snake so that it appears to be alive.