.Rats are clean, lively, personable, and make lovely pets. In our family, the longest lived was about four years old when she died. Usually they lived about 3.5. I think much depends on the quality of food, and yes, even attention. Ours would ride round on our shoulders, in pockets, and crawl over Gram. They even liked our dogs, and our dogs tolerated them.
Absolutely not!
You can leave your pet rat alone for 2 days but it is not advisable; attention is key.
make a small home for your pet rat, like a cage and put toilet rolls, a ball, you can put LOADS of things in the cage to make your rat happy.
The average lifespan of a pet rat... (The large testicles of a male rat should be apparent by the age of three weeks.A rat will usually live two to five years in captivity (as a pet). In my experience, three years is about average. Males tend to live slightly longer than females.
You can get a pet rat from most pet stores.
A roof rat can live up to 1,5 year.
I don't have a pet rat!
Emily Carr had one pet rat.
Not if it is caught by a cat.
Usually pet rats live up to 2 years ! and street rats live 2 - 3 years !
2-3 years