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As regards the first electronic digital computers, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the Z3, the Colossus, and the ENIAC were early designs. They ranged in size from something on the order of a desk to several rooms full of equipment in the case of ENIAC. Use the links and check out the pics.

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17y ago
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11y ago

The first electronic (i.e. non-mechanical) computer was the Atanasoff-Berry computer (ABC) and was about the size of an office desk. It was not programmable and was dedicated to a single task: solving linear equations.

The Colossus, used in WWII for code-breaking by the Allies, was programmable by switches and patch cords, but again was dedicated to a single task. It was the size of an office room.

ENIAC was the first electronic, programmable (with switches and cords) multi-use computer. It was the size of a floor in an office building.

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15y ago

The first computer ever built was exactly 3 ft around and 4 ft high.

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12y ago

They were huge and filled whole classroom size rooms. I am going to guess at least 5 feet tall.

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as big as it was

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The size of the human brain?

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