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System security is OS level security like you have username password to logon on your system.

Database security is db level security governed by your database you have different schemas that have different passwords.You can decide grants and permissions for various db objects based on these db level users.

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Q: How is database security different from system security?
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What security features of the operating system can be used to simplify the design of the database management system?

A)What security features of the operating system can be used to simplify the design of the database management system?

Who is responsible for database security?

Each database can have a security administrator who is in charge of enforcing and maintaining the database security policy. If the database system is small, the database administrator may also have security administrator responsibilities. To learn more about data science please visit-

How is a database different from a database management system?

A database is simply the data that has been stored in tables. A database management system includes all the elements that are required to work with the database. This would include things like the language to write queries, facilities for creating reports, controls over security and access of data and other elements.

What is a mixed database?

A mixed database is a system that contains different records that are set up in different files. This means that the database system will run several workloads simultaneously.

What are the uses of database program?

Database system can be defined as the collection of interrelated data. Uses of database system are that it maintains data security , data integrity, data can be easily accessed and shared too.

When would you mirror databases and when would you use databases tailored for the local environment?

You would mirror a database when you have a distributed database management system (DDBMS). especially in different countries with different time zones to allow users perform insert, update and delete operations to avoid inconsistency in database values. This is a security and disaster management implementation.

What are users and actors of database system?

they are people who interact with a database system in different ways and they are as follow 1- end users 2-database designers 3- database administrators 4- application programmers

What is a user name in a database?

A username in a database is a unique identifier assigned to a specific user to grant them access to the database. It is used to differentiate between different users and control their permissions and privileges within the database system.

The concept of security and integrity in database are interrelated Discuss how the two affect database system?

The concept of security in a database involves protecting the system and its data from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. This ensures that only authorized users have access to the database and that the data remains confidential. On the other hand, integrity refers to maintaining the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of the data within the database. An important aspect of integrity is ensuring that data is not modified or accessed inappropriately, maintaining its quality and reliability. Overall, security measures help maintain data integrity, as unauthorized access or modifications can compromise the integrity of the data within the database system.

What are the responsibilities of DBA and the database designers?

The responsibilities of the DBA and the database designers is to prevent conflict of data between different departments and to ensure the security of the data.

What are the advantage of distributed database over centralized database?

Distributed databases offer advantages such as improved scalability, increased availability, and better fault tolerance compared to centralized databases. They also provide better performance by reducing network latency and enabling data to be processed closer to where it is needed. Additionally, distributed databases can offer better data security by replicating data across multiple locations.

What are the security issues in database management system?

Database Security IssuesDaily Maintenance: Database audit logs require daily review to make certain that there has been no data misuse. This requires overseeing database privileges and then consistently updating user access accounts. A database security manager also provides different types of access control for different users and assesses new programs that are performing with the database. If these tasks are performed on a daily basis, you can avoid a lot of problems with users that may pose a threat to the security of the database.Varied Security Methods for Applications: More often than not applications developers will vary the methods of security for different applications that are being utilized within the database. This can create difficulty with creating policies for accessing the applications. The database must also possess the proper access controls for regulating the varying methods of security otherwise sensitive data is at risk.Post-Upgrade Evaluation: When a database is upgraded it is necessary for the administrator to perform a post-upgrade evaluation to ensure that security is consistent across all programs. Failure to perform this operation opens up the database to attack.Split the Position: Sometimes organizations fail to split the duties between the IT administrator and the database security manager. Instead the company tries to cut costs by having the IT administrator do everything. This action can significantly compromise the security of the data due to the responsibilities involved with both positions. The IT administrator should manage the database while the security manager performs all of the daily security processes.Application Spoofing: Hackers are capable of creating applications that resemble the existing applications connected to the database. These unauthorized applications are often difficult to identify and allow hackers access to the database via the application in disguise.Manage User Passwords: Sometimes IT database security managers will forget to remove IDs and access privileges of former users which leads to password vulnerabilities in the database. Password rules and maintenance needs to be strictly enforced to avoid opening up the database to unauthorized users.Windows OS Flaws: Windows operating systems are not effective when it comes to database security. Often theft of passwords is prevalent as well as denial of service issues. The database security manager can take precautions through routine daily maintenance checks.These are just a few of the database security problems that exist within organizations. The best way to avoid a lot of these problems is to employ qualified personnel and separate the security responsibilities from the daily database maintenance responsibilities.