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It gives them shelter and they are safe from predators that way

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Q: How does the use of burrows help meerkats survive in the deserts?
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How does the use of burrows help meerkats survive in the desert?

It gives them shelter and they are safe from predators that way

What are meerkats inherited traits that help it to survive?

meerkats heve like like the same eye color and look as their parents

How does burrows help otters survive?

they switch on their electric blanket on fall blast!

How can you help the meerkats survive?

They have black round circle around their eyes to stop the sun shining onto their eyes.

How do weasels survive?

They have long, slender bodies that help them burrow. The burrows help them hide from their main predators, such as hawks and dogs. They survive the cold, long winters by staying active in their burrows, keeping them warm. The burrows also trap heat the same way when you touch black metal.

How does the tiger skin help the animal to survive in the desert?

Tigers to not live in deserts.

What adaptations does the desert rat have that help it survive in its environment?

There are a number of species of rat that live in deserts around the world. It would be a big help if you named a particular species.

How does a meerkats long tail help it to adapt in the desert?


What is being done to save meerkats?

Meerkats are not endangered, so as long as nothing bad starts to happen to them, they don't need human help. :)

How does the structure of its nose help the camel to live in the desert?

it helps in less respiration which in turn is responsible for less oxidation of food and water which helps it to survive in deserts.

How do meerkats groom?

Meerkats groom and brush each other's fur with their teeth, they do this to eliminate ticks fleas and any particles that might be in their skin. hope this will help you

How does the armadillo survive harsh temperatures?

they have a hard shell to hide in to help them stay cool/warm