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It makes that person a criminal ! Computer piracy in simple terms is THEFT ! Theft is a criminal offense world-wide ! If caught, the person in possession of the pirated software would face charges - resulting in either a large fine and/or jail time.

Writing computer programs can take a programmer days, weeks or even YEARS. Using pirated software deprives the legitimate writer of income. Before using such software - ask yourself a simple question - How would YOU feel if someone else was being paid for work YOU did !

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9y ago
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15y ago

just in your pocket and money and maybe you can't download updates from microsoft, but you can activate it anymore, using piracy...obviously

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12y ago

because its illegal and have to suffer serious consequences

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11y ago

The main danger in using pirated software is that it may be corrupt and cause one's computer to malfunction. The use of pirated software is, of course, illegal.

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How does pirating hurt the user?

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What does pirating software means?

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The act of illegally copying or selling software is called?

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Criminal penalties - jail time and fines

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User purchase quality software when user go to market to purchase software.

What does 'Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have not paid' mean?

It is telling you that pirating software is illegal and can result in fines and jail time. The only way to legally use software is with a paid license.

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No. The system software is run and used only by the computer, such as drivers. End-user software is used by the user, such as a game. Some software can be both, however, such as the command prompt.

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