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to create a new folder in their files: first, open to the place where one want to create a folder then use the mouse right click anywhere in the file. Then move down to the word "new" then select "folder". a new folder will appear in the files.

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To create a new folder for storage on the Windows operating system you can go to the Start Menu, click on Documents, then click on New. Click on Folder once to give it a title.

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Q: How does one create a new folder in their files?
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Yes - Create a compressed folder and drag files into it. (File, New, Folder, and then Change Properties, Advanced to Compress.)

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Create a new folder on your desktop (file; new folder) then drag and drop all the files into the folder. Now right click the folder and click "Compress New Folder". This will convert the folder into a .zip file. Now you can upload the file to zshare or any other file hosting site.

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First, you have to create a new folder. Then, you go into each separate folder and copy and paste the music from those into the new folder

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In any Windows, first, you have to create a new folder. So, go to where you want to save your first folder (the one that will hold the other folder inside it). Then, right-mouse-click, and click 'create new folder'. A folder will pop up, and name that folder. Then, after naming that folder, double-click on it to go inside the folder. There will be nothing there, since it is a new folder. Then, right-mouse-click inside the emtpy space, and click on 'create new folder'. Name that folder, and then you just saved a folder within a folder.

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On a computer, it is something that can hold a variety of different pictures or documents that are related to each other. You can create a new one by right clickin on your desktop, scrolling to new> and clicking folder.

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All you do is drag the files out of the download folder and make a new one on the desktop then drag them in to the folder and it should work

How do you send a file containing several songs by email?

Mulitpul select the songs by holding Ctrl and clicking individual files or drag your mouse over the files you wish to send, right click on one of the songs and choose Send To > Compressed (Zipped) Folder. This will create a single compressed folder with all of your songs in. You can then either attach this folder to and email or right click on the folder and choose Send To > Mail Recipient. Mulitpul select the songs by holding Ctrl and clicking individual files or drag your mouse over the files you wish to send, right click on one of the songs and choose Send To > Compressed (Zipped) Folder. This will create a single compressed folder with all of your songs in. You can then either attach this folder to and email or right click on the folder and choose Send To > Mail Recipient.

Can you create more than 20 folders in a folder?

Yes, you can. (All I did to check was made a new folder, and inside that folder created twenty-one more, and it allowed me to.)

What folder are your LimeWire songs saved in?

Go into your My documents folder create a save my music folder.(click on Start to find documents folder.)This is one way. The files are saved to the 'shared ' folder by default. You may have to go into the limewire program using windows explorer to find it. It is the folder where other people can access your songs to download as well, you can place a shortcut for it on your desktop. In the program you can specify where the files go but still other people will have access, I suggest that you transfer the files from shared to 'my music' after downloading for safe keeping.

What is different between folder and file?

If you mean in computers then Folders contain files and nothing else. There may be many files in tne folder. The files contain information. Generally you would put similar files in one folder so that you can find them easily according to the subject matter.

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Related files are organized into logical units called directories, also known as folders. These folder are simply places in which you can place files - or other folders. For example, you might place everything related to your studies into one folder, to separate it from other stuff. If that folder still contains too many files, you can further subdivide it (create subfolders), for example for each subject.

Why might it be important to view files stored by the date they were modified?

I have a folder where I make a new file every day, and the new file is always based upon the file for the day before. It is easiest to create the new file if the old one is siting near the top of the folder, which is what happens when it is sorted by creation date. If I sort by name it becomes a jumbled mess.