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Get something like Speedfan (can be found in MPC CD's) or MotherBoard Monitor (MBM for short), although, MBM requires a bit more manual setup, I recommend Speedfan for ease of use, and quick autodetect feature for thermal sensors.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Download an app called SpeedFan

It's free...

it's compatible with most motherboards, but it's not perfect.... often very high readings will show, that won't fluctuate,.... those are to be ignored.

Otherwise you can check it in your bios settings... it will show up under PC Health or something of equivalent.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Place two temperature sensors at these locations: the entrance of the front of the unit fan pulling outside air into the chassis , then at the rear system fan pushing chassis air out of the chassis. Take the two temperatures and multiply them together, then find the square root of the product.

This would be an approx. air chassis temp of the unit.

Environment air surrounding the black box would be the basis of establishing an internal

air temperature.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Microsoft Windows users can check the performance of their computer by accessing the 'Performance' tab in the Task Manager application. Performance can also be viewed by right-clicking the Start Button and selecting 'Properties'.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

One is able to check the temperature of their computer if it has thermal sensors or Intel Core Duo processor. Some program's that can monitor a computers temperature are HWMonitor, Core Temp and SpeedFan.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You can download a free program online like speedfan to see your CPU and GPU temperature.

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