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encode is to put something into code to make it unreadable to someone who does not know the code. Decode is to work out the code or unscramble the code. So encoder would be something to code the article, while a decoder unscrambles the code and gives you back the article.

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Q: How does encoder differ than decoder?
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What is the purpose of a channel encoder and decoder in modern communication systems?

channel encoder inserts additional information to the transmitted bit stream to facilitate error detection and correction at the receiver. channel decoder is quite opposite to the channel encoder which transmits desired data after the error detection and correction .

How does demux differ than decoder?

the basic difference is that there is 1 input line for the demux whereas a decoder has no input lines

What is encoder explain in brief?

An encoder is a digital circuit which accepts one of the inputs and converts it into BCD or Binary Coded Output. It performs the reverse function of that of a decoder.

What is source decoder?

source decoder is an automated source code analyzer. It is a complememt to source encoder. It retrieves the information from the encoded signal. We can say that source decoder decodes the coming signal to extract the information oit of it.

List the difference between encoder and priority encoder?

A normal encoder get proper output when input is asserted atmost one at a time. i.e if I0 I1 I2 I4 are inputs of 2to4 decoder then if the both inputs I1 and I2 are given then the output maybe 11 or 00 but not 01 or 10. In pripority encoder assigns priority to inputs, If encoder have I2 high priority than I1 and both I1 and I2 are applied '10' will be output.

Where can you find a download-able mpeg2 encoder for ffmpegx?

FFmpeg should have come with libavcodec, which includes an MPEG2 decoder.

What decoder chip converts 7 lines to 3 lines?

Decoder is a circuit which have n inputs and 2^n outputs.I think you want to say encoder which have 2^n input and n output lines. So your required chip is 8(2^3)X3 encoder which does not exist.

Explain with diagram schramms model of information?

Schramm's model of communication is a circular model that includes encoder, signal, decoder, feedback, and gatekeeper. The encoder encodes the message, which is then transmitted through the signal to the decoder for interpretation. Feedback is provided by the receiver to the sender, completing the communication loop. The gatekeeper controls the flow of information.

What is hardware acceleration?

Hardware acceleration is the process of handing off parts of the workload from the CPU to a graphics card or video encoder / decoder.

Why instruction decoder of 8085A is 8 bit?

Decoder is the system which is used to decode or translate the code and make the message again readable. Both encoder and decoder are used where encoding language is applied. For example, if a word TRANSLATION is encoded then it can be written in various forms like NOITALSNART.

What are real life applications of encoder and decoder?

Decoding is necessary in applications such as data multiplexing, 7 segment display and memory address decoding.

How do you use encode in a sentence?

An encoder encodes input data by transforming it into its encoded form which, if the encoding is reversible, may be decoded and returned to its original form by a decoder.