Not much similarity, however from GUI you can do anything which can be done by CLI.. This is not possible with CLI to do as GUI..
SDM utilizes GUI buttons and text boxes. The IOS CLI requires the use of text-based commands. SDM is used for in-band management only. The IOS CLI can be used for in-band and out-of-band management
cli ,mdi,gui
GUI is a Graphical User Interface, which is for making "Windowed" Applications. The CLI is a Command-Line Interface, which is a text prompt in which you can enter specific commands to be executed.
Windows has a GUI and CLI. You use the GUI pretty much all the time. Dump the windows and get a Linux install, try ubuntu and get used to using the well structured CLI. The GUI will make more sense then in general.
gui and cli
Cli gui
The difference between graphic user interface and character user interface are its command. GUI does not need any type of command to interact with the computer, while CUI needs commands in order to interact with the computer.
Because it does not supports GUI and we can only work on CLI in DOS..
DOS is a CLI (Command Line Interface) Operating System..
in GUI network manager in CLI ifconfig