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MAC address filter is a pretty secure way of rudimentary network security. Enabling it makes the network available only to know devices. However, this leaves it vulnerable to MAC address spoofing.

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Q: How does MAC address filtering enable wireless network security at the device level?
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What wireless network security method controls who can connect to the network based on the hardware they are using?

MAC filtering

What are the advantages of MAC Address Filtering?

MAC filtering takes network security to the next level by only granting access to specific network cards.A MAC (media access control) address is a unique identifier for a network card; no two cards have the same MAC address, so it functions like a fingerprint - even a wireless card and an Ethernet card built-in to the same laptop won't have the same MAC address. Therefore, MAC address filtering adds security by only allowing network cards with the right "fingerprint" to access the network.However, it should be noted that MAC address filtering is not a strong form of security. MAC addresses are extremely easy to "spoof" - that is, it's easy to fake the address of a legitimate network card. If an attacker is able to identify the MAC address of a permitted network card, they can masquerade as the legit card. Therefore, MAC address filtering is not a replacement for using encryption. MAC address filtering can help security if used in an environment running WPA.

What technology is used to allow or deny traffic over the network based on the physical address of the devices?

MAC Filtering

When you secure a wireless network using MAC address filtering is data sent over the network secure?

To make it secure you have to use encryption which is available in almost all routers.

How can one guarantee security on their wireless network?

When you purchase internet from an internet provider in your area, you need to follow the directions during set up to make a user name and encrypt your wireless network. You will give your network a name and a password so only you can access it.

Is there a free wireless network security provider?

There are several free wireless network security providers, including lucidlink, linksys, and auditmypc. Be aware of the risks and dangers of using free wireless network security providers before using the services.

What is essential to keep others from hacking into your wireless data and to prevent unauthorized use of your wireless LAN?

Use any of the WPA or WPA2 or WEP etc. wireless network security methode. Also, MAC address filtering is a really effective methode, with which you can tell your w/l access point to strictly allow connections from only pre-specified devices.

Which feature that you configured on the Linksys WRT300N makes you feel the most secure and why?

MAC address filtering uses the MAC address to identify which devices are allowed to connect to the wireless network. When a wireless client attempts to connect, or associate, with an AP it will send MAC address information. If MAC filtering is enabled, the wireless router or AP will look up its MAC address a preconfigured list. Only devices whose MAC addresses have been prerecorded in the router's database will be allowed to connect.

What method to Restricting users in wireless LAN?

One type of restriction is to use MAC filtering in the WAP. Another would be to secure the wireless network via WEP/WPA/WPA2 security which would require other users to have the key to connect.

What protocol is used to create a basic layer of security for a wireless network?

A protocol that is used to create a basic layer of security for a wireless network is to set up a password and log in. This way no one else can use the wireless network, but the owner.

Need more information on security for wireless network?

You can find out more about wireless network on the following website: They have useful info.

Is Security much of a concern when working on a wireless network?
